The teaching profession is a journey filled with both challenges and rewards. Amid lesson plans, student interactions, and administrative responsibilities, personal life often feels overshadowed. The quest for Balancing Teaching and Life can sometimes appear elusive. However, by embracing specific daily habits, this balance becomes not just achievable, but deeply enriching. Keep in mind, though. Habits are something we build over time. As the cliche goes, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.”

Morning Rituals

Starting the day right can set the tone for hours ahead. A personalized morning routine, be it meditation or a brisk walk, can center the mind. This practice not only prepares you for classroom challenges but also ensures that you begin each day on a self-affirming note, valuing personal well-being. This is not something I do well, and is my current habit that I have as a continuous goal. I’m practicing and learning what works best for me. The good thing is that once one routine is a habit, I can sometimes add more small habits to be more efficient.

Task Prioritization

The teaching world is brimming with tasks. By listing and prioritizing them, educators can streamline their day, focusing on pressing matters first. This method ensures key responsibilities are addressed promptly, and it provides a clear direction for the day, mitigating feelings of being overwhelmed. I find this skill is one of the most important. There’s always more to do than I can get finished in a day. So, I focus on my top three and highlight one thing I want to accomplish for the day. If I get that one thing done, the day was a success.

Time Blocking

Amidst diverse responsibilities, the art of time blocking proves invaluable. By dedicating set periods for distinct tasks, from grading papers to self-reflection, educators can ensure they manage their professional commitments while reserving invaluable personal time. This boundary keeps life organized and respects personal boundaries. This can also be included as part of your morning routine or routines right after that bell rings for the day. Snag the planner I’m using in my classroom to help with all of these teacher-created habits!

Boundaries Establishment

Every educator knows the temptation to bring work home. Yet, by setting clear work boundaries, teachers can safeguard their personal space. Establishing a designated workspace or strict cut-off times helps maintain a clear line between professional duties and home relaxation, ensuring neither infringes on the other. This is a touchy subject, I know. However, teachers are often under appreciated for the time we dedicate toward work – sometimes this is even just attributed to the headspace that it takes to be an educator. The bottom line, is that with ever increasing demands, requires additional resources and/or compensation. There’s a limit to what we can do. When we take it all home, we suffer as both educators and with personal life. It makes it hard for any of the other suggestions to help or take route. This is the foundation for success in developing effective habits.

Regular Breaks

Teaching is intense. But even amidst this intensity, taking short, deliberate breaks can refresh the mind. These moments of pause can be the difference between a productive day and one marked by burnout. They offer a chance to stretch, breathe, and mentally reset. While we can’t always take breaks during the middle of the day as teachers, because we are always in demand, having children participate in a break can give you some semblance of a break. It’s important to know that kids need these transitions as well to keep their brains engaged. No one can be “on,” all the time. It’s not a realistic goal for anyone.

Embrace Continuous Learning

The world of education is ever-evolving. Dedicate time daily or weekly for professional development to stay ahead of the curve. By actively seeking new knowledge, educators remain efficient, informed, and can bring fresh perspectives to their classrooms. Knowledge truly is power and it can also decrease anxiety. Professional development helps you to know your options when planning and in decision making. It can also help you develop a line of defense if people call to question your decisions.

Smart Delegation

No teacher is an island. Recognizing when to delegate, be it classroom chores or collaborating on lesson plans, is key. It promotes a shared responsibility culture and allows educators to focus on areas where their expertise is most needed. This also means that children, even kindergartners and toddlers, should be part of this shared responsibility in cleaning. If they make the mess, they should be the ones to clean it up (developmentally speaking). Kids can clean their own desks, organize materials and ensure chairs are up at the end of the day for the vacuuming.

Digital Detox

In our connected age, unplugging might sound counterintuitive. But intervals free from digital distractions, especially before bedtime, can enhance sleep quality and mental well-being. This practice fosters genuine connections and creates space for genuine relaxation. It’s hard to tune out, but I’ve started turning technology off at least an hour a day. I have a special function on my phone that only allows two people to reach me. Everyone else’s notifications are off, and all calls go straight to voicemail.

Daily Reflection

At the heart of growth lies reflection. Setting aside moments each day to ponder successes and areas of improvement can be enlightening. This ritual fosters adaptability and encourages proactive problem-solving, ensuring challenges are met with resilience. You can also focus too much on reflection and forget to celebrate the wins along the way. So balance this with how you know your personality plays out in daily life. I tend to overanalyze and so I need to reign in on this one. Here’s a simple reflection sheet.

Organizational Mastery

An organized environment often mirrors an organized mind. Cultivating the habit of maintaining a tidy workspace can lead to increased productivity. When tools and resources are easily accessible, time is saved, and mental clarity thrives. Am I the only one that struggles with buying too many things to organize? The things I bought to organize (like storage bins) often then become the clutter.

Peer Connections

Teaching, while rewarding, can be isolating. Building and maintaining relationships with fellow educators can be a source of mutual support. Sharing resources, strategies, and even challenges can be both insightful and therapeutic. I’m thankful that I have a wonderful group of grade-level colleagues. If you don’t have that, I recommend looking for online platforms where you might find collaboration. For example, I just certified to be a national board trainer. This opens a door through professional development as well as colleague support.

Meal Preparation

Nutrition plays a pivotal role in energy and mood. Setting aside time for meal preparations ensures a balanced diet while eliminating the daily decision fatigue that often accompanies meal choices. It’s a proactive step towards health and vitality. I often meal prep the night before when making dinner. This includes making sandwiches for lunch the next day. Simple Meal Prep template.

Self-care Moments

Beyond teaching lies a world filled with personal passions; it’s also the thing most teachers and those working in fields that require a lot of empathy with, struggle the most. From music to literature, identifying and indulging in these personal retreats can be rejuvenating. It’s a reminder that while teaching is a vocation, it’s essential to nourish personal interests. Work to live, not live to work. Try out this self care bingo!

Gratitude Practice

Gratitude, as simple as it sounds, can be a game-changer. By acknowledging and listing things to be thankful for daily, educators can shift focus from challenges to positives, fostering a holistic perspective on both teaching and life. Here’s a simple template to practice daily gratitude.

Focused Approach

Multitasking might appear efficient, but often it diminishes the quality of work. Adopting a focused, one-task-at-a-time approach ensures each task receives undivided attention, enhancing overall outcomes. Think of it as the “eat an elephant on bite at a time,” methodology.

Active Lifestyle

Physical health intricately links with mental well-being and balancing teaching with life. Engaging in regular physical activities, even simple ones like walking, boosts mood, energy levels, and overall vitality.


The life of an educator is a delicate dance between professional commitments and personal aspirations. With thoughtful habits in place, this dance can be graceful, fulfilling, and harmonious. As teachers, “Balancing Teaching and Life” is not just a desired goal but a sustainable reality, enriching both the classroom and the home.

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