So, I made this smoothie as a result of not wanting to take the time to sit down and eat a meal. I didn’t even want to make a grilled cheese. Do you ever just know you need something uplifting, but you’re too busy to sit down and eat an entire meal? I love to always have a drink in my hand – whether it’s water, a smoothie or coffee.
So, here’s how I made it. I used:
- ¼ cup unsweetened cacao powder (not processed)
- ¼ cup peanut butter powder
- ¼ cup monkfruit sweetener
- Vanilla extract
- Pinch of salt
- 1 cup of almond milk and added ice. I blended, and shazam, I had a quick, healthy chocolate peanut butter smoothie.
I found that the more peanut butter I added, the creamier my smoothie. And, of course, if you add a fuller fat version of milk or coconut milk, it will be creamier. My version only has about 150 calories and has lots of protein. I’m thinking of adding a banana later as well. I bet avocado would be another way to add healthy fat, too.
What kinds of yummy feel-good smoothies do you make? I’d love to hear from you!