Writing is notoriously the most difficult subject to teach. It is challenging because it is an art, and it is one that I believe everyone can love. You just have to find your niche. I not only love to teach writing to kindergarten, but I love to write myself.
It’s important that when we teach writing or talk about writing we show enthusiasm for the subject. It’s hard to teach when we don’t love what we are teaching. Everyone has their niche. This is mine.
Writing is truly an adventure that can take us anywhere. When we are at home, we can write about dragons in the backyard, or as I would tease my kindergartners, there were dragons on the playground. This kept them from digging in the bark to get to the bottom. Kids’ imaginations would explode. Writing is a way to do this.
Learning to write is perhaps the most important skill your child will learn. Writing is incorporated into every subject area. Being an effective communicator will open doors in so many ways – whether imaginative or in their future academic careers. So, how do you become a better writer or learn to write? You practice and fine-tune your skills.
Once you’ve peaked your child’s interest in writing, get writing!
Below you will find a link to some of my writing videos for beginning authors and those just starting out. Let their imagination take flight. Help them, but don’t do it for them. Let them discover and learn and reflect on what they do well and what they need to improve. Let those who like to draw, draw a lot and those who don’t, write more than they draw. However, without any practice or enough, students cannot develop this essential skill. So, get writing and let your imagination take flight – adults too!