Learning doesn’t have to be complicated. Learning is organic and is most often achieved or remembered when our interest or curiosity is triggered. All one needs to do is look out the window and there is a world to explore. Even in a concrete jungle, observing birds, the sky, changes in scenery and the habits of human nature can be observed, studied and used for inspiration for writing, social studies or math.
This morning, one of my dogs rushed to the corner of our yard. The other two seemed disinterested as they cuddled by the front door. But, Rae continued to snarl and bark with a full heart of passion; there was indeed an intruder in our yard. I thought at first I saw a cat. Instead, it was a raccoon waiting for us to leave. When I was done taking my pictures, I watched from the window and the raccoon descended vertically and nose-first down the pole into the neighbor’s yard. He didn’t lose his balance and I was in awe at how he could maneuver so easily. After a visit from a skunk, who sprayed all the dogs last winter, and our new guest, I will be inspecting the yard each time before our pets go outside to ensure their safety. Taking pictures of the raccoon showed me first-hand how easy it must be for him to climb, rip apart garbage sacks and other small animals.
Inspiration is out your front window, and your imagination can take you anywhere.