Teaching online proves to have its challenges, but with the right supports in place and resources for families and teachers we can make lemonade out of the proverbial lemons. I’m sure some of the questions I received from families are the same ones you have as a guardian or teacher. Writing is continuously the most challenging subject to teach in school. This aspect is amplified when it comes to learning online.

Kindergarten, and early primary grades focus on play-based learning and hands-on activities. This is how they learn and so incorporating this online can prove challenging, though not impossible with the viewers help!

This video is the first of a series I will dedicate to teaching you and your child how to write. This was the focus area of my National Board Certification, and although it doesn’t supplant teaching in-person, I hope it provides guidance and support through these unprecedented times.

The lessons are taught for children, but will also give guidance on how you can support your student at home. Please make sure to “like,” the video, subscribe to my YouTube channel and newsletter so you don’t miss updates and freebies. It also lets me know how I can help support you.

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