Last night, I had a dream about the world around us. There were dashes for food, worries over illness and the library housing the homeless. I was trying to warn others of what was coming. I woke up. It’s all true.
Our house is preparing this week to develop a new norm for us- as my sister calls it. After talking with another teacher, we’ve decided not to talk about “it” after six o’clock. We will develop a routine, and actively have agreed to exercise grace for the little annoyances of those around us – pets, I think opted out. There will be quiet, homework, praise and worship, family, chore, exercise and tv time. We will also exercise flexibility.
Here’s an example schedule we have in our home. To adhere to the flexibility, there is not a rigid timetable. I’m also working from home, so I stationed myself at the dining room table for those who need access to me – usually my dogs, and not my teenage daughter
Reading the Bible
Take care of the pets
Math (1 Hour)
Homework (Technology-Based)
Family Walk with Dogs
TV and Family time together
Reading the Bible
Quiet Time