Learning at home has its downsides, to be sure. But, it also has many benefits for those families able and willing. There’s more opportunity for one on one instruction and practice. The questions from families revolved around where to start and how to continue. These lessons are for children to watch and not to teach the parent, though you certainly will learn also.
I have found many videos on YouTube with practice, but few lessons that involved actual teaching. I hope this helps your child as if they are sitting in the classroom at the front carpet during learning time. It’s the next-best-thing and is always great practice!
This is a lesson to help your children remember how to write each capital letter of the alphabet. Put in the video, make sure children have resources handy and play. Children can use a whiteboard, marker and eraser or paper and pencil. If you want additional practice, you can find these simple handwriting pages for FREE in my shop. Keep in mind, that they are fonts and so practice writing the letters will still need the supplement of the YouTube teaching video. An iPad with a touch screen whiteboard would be great too, though if we are working on pencil grip, an electronic pencil or pen would be helpful for these. What are those called, anyhow?
I created this lesson in response to families and their needs. What lessons do you need for children?