Let’s cut to the chase. This quarantine and distance learning is tough. Here’s some tips and tricks to keep your young student more independent so you can work from home, do some house work or get some downtime.

  • Purposeful Independent Learning
    • Please connect your children to Raz-Kids and DreamBox. It’s possible your school already has access to these websites (Free during the Covid-19 pandemic) on a platform where they sign in once and go straight there. The platform at my school is called Clever. These are your two most important tools. And, your children’s learning is automatically adjusted to their learning level in these apps. Amazing!
    • Send your teacher a picture to show what your child has been working on. They will stay motivated. When you check in with their teacher, ask them about it. This accountability will help give your child a nugget to stay motivated!
  • Create Motivation Stations
    • Motivation stations are where you have odds and ends you don’t mind your child working on and playing with independently; include simple items like a colander, string, pipe cleaner, beads, binder clips, brads, etc. It’s amazing how this will keep your kindergartner busy for hours. If you don’t have a colander, you can drill holes through a plastic container. If you have small children or pets, you may want to adapt this station or develop parameters. Only take out the motivation stations at special times during the day or when you’re desperate. This will keep the mystery and engagement high.
  • Have a Dance Party with Go Noodle. Everyone needs to unwind and laugh a little! Turn down the lights, and turn up the music. Let the kids dance and don’t be afraid to join them!
  • Watch some YouTube Lessons! I’ve created lessons on my YouTube channel just for kids. Kids watch, learn and you get an idea of what is expected for kindergarten. Children can tell you what they learned. You can click on the video below for a lesson on how to write capital letters! I have so many lessons coming your way!

Stay sane and healthy! Let me know what is and is not working in the comments below. I would love to hear from you.

Mandy Fyhrie

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